When fear is operating in you whether you realize it or not, it’s hard for your inner wisdom to communicate with you. That’s partly because the last place you look when you’re gripped with fear is to your inner wisdom.
Fear sabotages your dreams, your passion and your creativity. Procrastination, perfectionism, self-doubt, overwhelm and low self-worth are all forms of self-sabotage. You know those times when you go rigid inside or start hitting those hugely frustrating inner walls. There you are again, despite your best intentions.
I’ve met all these forms of self-sabotage intimately within my own self, especially in developing my business and with my creative projects. The greatest breakthrough I made was when I learned how to keep going deeper inside to connect with my inner wisdom for help.
We all have inner wisdom, the part of us that knows what to do, the steps to take to reach the destiny that’s deep down in our heart.
It actually is an enlightening and load-off-your-shoulders practice to turn to your inner wisdom for guidance throughout your day.
For example, if you find yourself facing a wall, your inner wisdom will show you the way through it.
When you face your own inner walls, the blocks you typically face that make you grit your teeth and growl, sending any chance of inner happiness hurtling to the other side of the planet, you’ll notice your mind wants to keep you spiraling to greater depths of hopelessness and despair.
It’s a great discipline to be able to say STOP!!!
Once you’ve achieved the stopping, you are all set for the relief you’ll get from some guidance from your inner wisdom.
The best place to look for your inner wisdom is in your heart. You can converse with your inner wisdom like you would a person.
All you have to do is listen for the whispers, trust and follow the guidance. But once you decide to trust you inner wisdom’s guidance, you have to take the leap!
Nicola Walker is an Inner Wisdom Coach and Self Expression Mentor. She works with creatively-minded people in big transitions to transform fears, low confidence and procrastination so they can go for their dreams. She coaches them to find their truth; to turn to their inner wisdom for help so they can live their passion and be happier in their lives.