Feeling sad, overwhelmed or discouraged? Or, maybe just not as bright as you know you could be? Sometimes we can feel worn down by a situation and lose all sense of perspective.
Here are five simple ways to start opening up your heart again so you can benefit from its wisdom and love. The wisdom of the heart is always available to you, though hard to hear when your heart feels closed. Spending time with someone you love and can communicate deeply with is also wonderful, but there are times when this may not be an option.
- Take some time out – go for a walk, look for beauty, things to appreciate, breathe, enjoy exerting your body and notice the difference between before your walk and after. If you prefer to run, make sure you observe and appreciate your surroundings so your attention is outside of yourself and your preoccupations.
- Lie down and have a rest. Your breath will find its own rhythms again and you’ll find your mind will let go of cycling around the same themes and leave space for a more balanced state of being.
- Write down what’s going on, breathe and then receive guidance by listening to the whispers deep down inside you. Write down whatever you hear, see or notice. Make room for a deeper wisdom to emerge.
- Find your way back to what is true. You’ll find what is true about you and your current situation is vastly different from your tale of hopelessness. What’s really true has no tolerance for smallness or any of the lies you tell yourself. What’s really true invites possibility, evoking lightness of heart and your bright true self.
- Read something inspiring that raises your vibration and belief in a paradigm based in truth, life-enhancing synchronicities and the inspired idea that you can have what you truly want.
Try out whichever methods you feel drawn to. Experiment. See what works for you. One way to see if this is working is to take note of how you feel before trying one of these steps out. Then, choose to let go of what’s been upsetting you, just while you do something different. Afterwards, see how you feel now. Sometimes the difference may be small, other times, much more noticeable.
Let me know what works for you by leaving a comment. Just go to “Leave a Comment” just below the title of this post. I’d love to hear your results!
Nicola Walker is an inner wisdom coach and author of the forthcoming book, Finding Joy in the Middle of the Mess. She often works with people who have been through a loss, want to get their life back and to see their dreams come true. Having learnt first hand the benefits and profound relief of committing to joy no matter how messy life gets, Nicola’s work focuses on a “find joy first” approach towards living your dreams. She offers a free Joy Breakthrough session by phone or Skype.