Happy New Year!!! May this be your best year ever! We all have the potential to experience our best year ever. The beginning of each new year offers us a tiny window of opportunity to believe this time it could be different – before the doubts set in.
Self doubt is a big reason why some of us don’t make the changes that we really want to make, or get disappointed because our dreams don’t come true – yet again. It’s especially easy to waver on your commitment when there is a big contrast between what you really want and the way your life is now. You start to question your abilities, or even question what you really want and the direction you need to take.
A flood of reasons why having what you really want would be hard, or even impossible fills your mind, conveniently keeping you safe in your not so comfortable comfort zone.
What if you did really trust yourself? What would trusting yourself look or feel like? When you trust yourself, you are able to make decisions, trust your decisions and choices, then act on them.
The habit of self doubt can make it hard to really value, or even know your gifts. You feel like “something” is blocking you from really putting yourself out there and making a successful career with your innate gifts, passions and talents.
Self doubt is slippery. It’s easy to not notice that you have succumbed to self doubt and be convinced that all your “I can’t because” reasons are true. Yet, how does that make you feel?
I know how it makes you feel because I’ve tied myself in knots with self doubt over the years. I’ve had to learn to trust myself, to stand in my truth and take action even when my knees start caving in, my stomach twists up and my throat swells with fear.
You gain self trust by connecting with your inner self. Self trust grows from commitment to who you really are and what you are really here to do. When you back away from your truth and listen to the false, fearful voices inside your head, however familiar they may seem, you lose another hour, day, week, month or year. Until a new year begins and you try again.
Self trust has enriched my life beyond what I could ever have imagined, truly grounding me in myself, giving me the freedom to enjoy being me. We all deserve to trust ourselves so we can shine our light and share and be financially enriched with our gifts.
Taking action in spite of fear or resistance is not about forcing yourself to do something that isn’t really right for you like a job you hate or a mismatched relationship. When you take action that you know deep down inside is right, you want to take the action, but there is an equally strong force that is terrified or has a billion reasons to support the fact that you can’t do it. This is the action that you must take. This is the action that leads you to living your dreams.
Decide to trust yourself, even if you don’t know how. Decide to step fully into your power and your light. Trust that what wants to be expressed through you is perfect in all its seeming imperfection. You have a place in the world, a part to play and we all need to hear your song, see your light and feel your presence. Let it flow. Commit to blooming. Say yes to success!
Nicola Walker works with women who want a purposeful, passionate life to navigate the mess (the mind and their life’s circumstances and what’s happening in the world) so they can flourish and thrive! She has been an inner freedom coach and hypnotherapist for nearly 20 years and is the author of the upcoming book, Joy in the Middle of the Mess: An Evolutionary Adventure of Self Discovery in the Quest for Success.