Emotions are to be embraced. Why? Your emotions offer you invitations to live more deeply and fully. Emotions can arise because it’s time to let go of something – a limiting belief, a habit or pattern, a situation, a perception or attitude. If you get lost in the emotion, then you don’t receive its message, until the next time you get another opportunity. You become stronger and more authentic when you face your emotions with wisdom and awareness. Maybe the emotion has a message for you. Find out what it is.
It’s easy to resist emotions as they are uncomfortable and often arise just when you don’t want them to — the start of a weekend when you want to relax and have a good time, while you’re at work or with someone you want to impress. The more you try to resist the emotion, the more embedded it becomes. It’s the law of attraction in reverse – when you focus on something you don’t want, the more it happens.
So if resisting emotions keeps you in an emotional hotbed, the easiest escape is to embrace the emotion. Look the tiger in the face. Be 100% present with yourself while you feel what you feel. Presence is actually very enjoyable, because you let go of the tension of resistance and judgment. There’s nowhere else for you to be except in the present moment, being with what is. Presence is about being with an emotion with awareness as opposed to losing yourself in the emotion.
Here are five steps to being with any uncomfortable emotion:
1. Breathe deeply and fully.
2. Become aware of the sensations of the emotion in your body – such as tightness in the stomach, aching in your heart or your ribs, tension in the throat.
3. Become aware of any sensation that is not part of the emotion – focus on both your body and the energetic field all around you. You may start to notice a peaceful sensation or part of your energy that’s not caught up in the emotion.
4. Become aware of your thoughts. Breathe as you listen. Make room for your wisdom. Notice what thoughts start to lose their grip on you. What thoughts appear like imposters, with messages that aren’t really true?
5. Be willing to let go of any thought that doesn’t really serve you. Ask your inner wisdom to guide and help you. Listen to your inner guidance and follow what it tells you.
Emotions are an integral part of life, so it’s wonderful to know how to be with them, so you can receive and grow through their gifts. Knowing how to be with emotions is a huge key to inner happiness and creating positive changes in your life.
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