When a new year begins, it’s as though your slate has been wiped clean and you can begin again. Ask yourself, “what is deepest in my heart to create and experience?” Keep this question with you as you go about your day, especially when you go for walks, exercise or relax. The answer will float into your consciousness.
Ideas about what you want in life can change. That’s why it’s important to listen to what is true, to find out if it is still true for you. Remember that life can be perceived in many different ways. Keep going deeper to find the truth. You’ll know when you find your deepest truth, because you’ll resonate with it. Maybe you feel a rush of energy, a quickening or a deep sense of inner knowing.
It’s always most effective to act on what feels most alive for you. When you listen deeply in this way, you are flowing with your inner wisdom that is guiding you to your highest good. Maybe you hear that it is time to address an issue that has been bothering you with another person. Or it is time to stay at home and spend more time alone. Or now is the moment to look into that niggly feeling that you could be doing more with your life.
If you ever feel dull, irritable or dissatisfied, ask yourself, “what is true for me?” “Am I following my truth?” You’ll find your truth in your heart. Summon up the courage to follow your heart and you’ll feel full of life again. This is the path of inner happiness.