I’m having a crazy, zany December, but what’s new? December is the most bizarre month of the whole year, and try as you might, it’s hard to make it any different. In this season of the light, I have been so busy I nearly lost my sense of light altogether. What with a sudden rush of work as well as early shopping to send gifts off to my family in England, making gifts, attending concerts, gatherings and parties, my need for quiet, reflective time flew right out the window.
Yet, feeling strung out is no way to live. In the end, something has to give. Last weekend, I had to cancel my plans to attend a couple of parties that were both a long drive from where I live and just rest! I struggled with the choice at first, because I really wanted to see this particular group of friends. Yet, on the morning I was to pack and get everything ready for going off to the parties, I found myself not packing. It seemed like my system couldn’t take any more stimulation, and the thought of a long drive just made me sit motionless in bed. I just wanted to stay close to home, sip tea and walk down to the beach. By slowing down, I found my heart, my light and gradually revitalized myself. I am continually amazed at the wisdom of the heart. Trust your heart’s wisdom and you find peace.
Are you listening to your heart, or resisting the knowing in your heart? What can you do to experience more light in your life? This is a good question to ask as you move towards the end of one year and the beginning of the next.