Five Feeling Rushed Signs That Are Telling You to Slow Down
- Feeling tense, noticing tightness in your ribs or stomach, shallow breathing or holding your breath.
- Finding it difficult to focus and easily getting distracted.
- Hearing your negative self-talk, judging yourself for not being fast enough or pushing you to do more.
- Worrying about other people judging you for not getting everything done or not getting something done fast enough.
Why do you get out of balance and feel rushed?
It always comes down to fear. Fear of losing your job, not getting a promotion, fear of failure, fear of not making as much money as you need or want, fear of losing face, fear of losing love, fear of rejection, fear of being too late. The list goes on. You don’t get out of balance through love, only fear. When you slow down and move past the fears, you can hear your intuitive wisdom. You can listen to the whispers, that small voice within that knows what’s best for you.How to Begin to Slow Down to Find Your Natural Pace and Balance
- Have one day a week, at the weekend or when you’re not working, where you go at your natural pace. Decide to only do what you feel like doing in each moment choosing to do what makes you feel good.
- During your next work day, observe how you are feeling, especially in contrast to how you felt when you were going at your natural pace on your day off
- Make a note of what happens to you physically and emotionally when you feel rushed and are not going at your natural pace
- Experiment by taking a chance and going at your natural pace in your workday, even if it is just for an hour. See what happens. What do you do differently? What are the results of approaching a task at your natural pace? Make a note of your findings
- Take short breaks that refresh your body and soul throughout the day, especially if you notice that you are getting tense.

Nicola Walker has been an inner freedom coach and hypnotherapist for over 20 years. She is creator of The Ease Experiment, working with women, who are birthing and evolving a business and creative projects, and find it’s harder and more overwhelming than they expected. With a focus on healing, mindset and joyful productivity, she supports her clients to activate ease and flow in their business each day. She is also a WomanSpeak circle leader and the author of the forthcoming memoir and self help book, Joy in the Middle of the Mess: An Evolutionary Adventure on the Quest for Success.
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