When you work alone, as a solopreneur or entrepreneur, without a team or support system, you can sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the actions you think you need to take each day. If feeling overwhelmed in your business is a pattern that you find yourself in often, the best approach is to find out what is beneath the overwhelm.
There is a lot of information around on the practical steps you can take to move past overwhelm into action. You may be familiar with several already. For example, breaking down each project into small steps and deciding which project you will begin with.
However, if prioritization and breaking down projects into small steps isn’t working for you, or would work if you could get past a deeper rooted paralysis, then take a ten minute break to dig deeper.
What to do in 10 minutes if you are feeling overwhelmed in your business or work
- Sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
- Focus on where the overwhelm is originating in your body. For example, you may feel extra tension in your stomach or solar plexus.
- Ask the overwhelm to speak to you. You can do this quietly in your mind or out loud if you are alone. Ask it to tell you what it is afraid of. Listen to the answer. You can ask questions to find out more and go deeper. Write down what you hear and notice.
Once you can name your underlying fear, you know what you’re dealing with. Then, your next step will be to let go of the fear, if you can easily do this, and move forward. If your fears are minor, you will be able to progress easily with the aid of some practical strategies to organize your work projects.
Some fears, however, are so deep rooted, that you need to heal the fear or limiting belief.
If you already have a method for healing and releasing fears and limited beliefs, use what you’ve got. See if your method makes a difference to your ability to get on with the actions you need to take for your business without you feeling overwhelmed.
If you don’t have a method for healing deep-rooted fears and old patterns that hold you back, there are a couple of methods that I have had great success with. One is EFT, though you need to learn to use it properly if you are doing it on your own. The other is hypnotherapy, which is a key modality that I use with entrepreneurs and professionals who want to free themselves from old fears and limiting beliefs.
Either way, get to the bottom of what leads you to feeling overwhelmed in your business or work, so you can take confident action and move forward.
For those of you who want to address healing fears and old patterns, I am currently offering a complimentary Focused and Free Breakthrough Session. Click here to find out more and sign up.
Nicola Walker has been an inner freedom coach and hypnotherapist for nearly 20 years. She is the author of the upcoming book, Joy in the Middle of the Mess: An Evolutionary Quest From Self Doubt to Success. She has developed her own method for connecting with intuitive wisdom to get clarity on challenges and decisions.
Nicola works with entrepreneurs and leaders who want to increase confidence and belief in themselves, as they explore solutions to the pressures and stresses of success. She guides her clients to true success, freeing them to love their life and be successful.