You are strolling along a beach close to where the waves roll into a frothy finish. Your bare feet sink into the wet sand with each footstep that you take. You feel one with the vast expanse of sky, sand and sea. Your heart is vibrant with joy, your mind is at peace. With increasing confidence, you know that there is something bigger for you to do. You see or sense a fuller version of you.
Yet, in the cold light of day, after breakfast when you sit at your computer and attempt to do your work, the clarity fades. Doubts set in. Indecision mounts. Taking action resembles a beginning golfer taking multiple swipes before he or she hits the ball just a few feet with a clod of turf. Your small self has taken over yet again.
The problem is that many of us aren’t adept at catching our small self when it slips into the driver’s seat of our life, especially in our business or career. The more you want something, especially something that demands that you take risks, be vulnerable and put yourself on the line financially, the more likely it is that your small self will sneak in to save you from oblivion.
Would you like to experience more of your clear, confident and courageous true self? Who wouldn’t?!
Think of a time when you have felt free, alive and inspired, excited at possibility and riveted by change. Your true self wants to live with you, in you, as you, not in the background, patiently waiting for your small self to vacate. Yet it’s really up to you how much time your small self spends influencing your business and your work day.
Here are three steps you can take for increasing confidence so your true self to lead in your career, business and life.
1. Be more alert to when your small self steps in. Be aware of your thoughts. Notice thoughts that make you feel depressed, stressed or frustrated. The message you are getting from your body and emotions is that your small self has stepped in. You have to be quick to catch the changeover and guide yourself back to the truth.
2. Honor your true self. This means doing something to invite your true self in. Meditate. Go for walks in nature. Do things you love. When you keep your joy alive, you’ll notice how you are increasing confidence in who you really are.
3. Use the resources you have been given to live your highest possible life. Listen to your intuitive wisdom. We all have intuitive wisdom. You are powered by an innate wisdom that can help you with any challenge you face. Your intuitive wisdom will guide you to where you need to be if you listen and follow its guidance.
You increase confidence the more you listen to your own wisdom, trusting and believing in yourself.
To conclude: lead and live from a place of love and possibility. Learn how to handle the obstacles, including your fears and limiting beliefs when they show up. Notice how it feels when with increasing confidence you show up as your true self rather than your small self. As a result, when you remember how strong, clear and alive you feel as your true self, it will be easier to lead from your true self in your business or career.
Nicola Walker has been an inner freedom coach and hypnotherapist for nearly 20 years. She is the author of the upcoming book, Joy in the Middle of the Mess: An Evolutionary Quest From Self Doubt to Success. She has developed her own method for connecting with intuitive wisdom to get clarity on challenges and decisions. Nicola works with entrepreneurs and leaders who want to increase confidence and belief in themselves, as they explore solutions to the pressures and stresses of success. She guides her clients to true success, freeing them to love their life and be successful.