I’m Nicola Walker. As an Anything is Possible Mindset Coach, with over 25 years of combined life coaching and hypnotherapy experience, I support creators and seekers to follow their inner guidance to achieve their deepest desires and live their dream.
My Story
During a dark night of the soul, amidst the fallout from 2008’s Great Recession, I was essentially homeless, sleeping on a friend’s sofa, feeling grief and shame, unsure how I would ever have a life I could be proud of. I had a passionate calling in my heart, but couldn’t find a way to make it happen. I was still chained to many old, limiting patterns of my small self, despite all the personal growth work I had done. One foggy morning, striding along the beach with a heavy heart, I picked up a piece of driftwood — it felt just like me.
I’d had enough. I knew it was time to turn my life around. There’s great power in making a full-on decision. I communicated with my inner guidance to receive my next steps. I focused on joy to transform my fears. Amazingly, within the next few weeks, I followed a chain of synchronistic events to a new wonderful relationship, a home near the ocean in Santa Cruz and eventually a job and coaching clients again.
A few years later, I hit another wall. I was flying high with plenty of clients, when things suddenly went downhill and my business with it. There was something deep inside me that was trying to emerge, while I felt trapped under a mound of debt. Something had to give. Then, in a flash I realized that I had to stop focusing on thoughts and feelings about what was or wasn’t happening, triggering fears and overwhelm.
That’s when I began to cultivate an Anything is Possible mindset. Each day, I transformed my mindset until I felt genuinely positive, attuned to my inner guidance and easily taking inspired actions. Clarity came, my creativity soared and I began to live my dream life.
What it Takes
Belief in yourself, your dream and the innate benevolence of the Universe. You can have what you deeply want. It may look different from how you think.
Life is made up of beliefs. You can transform limited beliefs into Anything is Possible beliefs. What if your life could unfold in a more magnificent way than you could ever imagine?
Willingness to become aware of your thoughts and your feelings. To be willing to deep dive to find a deeper truth when you get triggered or reactive to people, or to what is happening in your life.
You want to be willing and able to calm your nervous system and emotionally regulate yourself, so you can act with clarity and inspired confidence.
Trust your intuition and follow your inner guidance, with your feet firmly on the ground.

Start Where You Are
You can start small, or take a bigger leap. What’s important is to begin. There is great power in being honest about what is going on in your mind, heart and life right now. It’s all perfect, even though it may not seem so.
Deep inside your situation, are unlimited possibilities waiting to burst forth — once you say yes to yourself and your desire to grow and discover them.

We all need some help and accountability along the way. We can’t always see what is holding us back from our fullest expression.
Take your first step now to discover what it would take to begin your new evolutionary adventure.
Book your free Discovery Call!
I invite you to sign up for a free discovery call (45 mins), so we can meet and find out if we are right for one another.
You will get:
- Renewed focus on your dreams, goals and yearnings
- Insight into what gets in the way of you manifesting what you deeply want
- Clarity on the right next step for you

If you don’t see a time that works, or you have a question, please contact Nicola here
“I now feel joyful every day, no matter what’s going on around me. It wasn’t that way at all before I started coaching with Nicola. I’m so much more focused. My business has picked up. My relationship with my husband is better than it’s been for years. I’ve found out how to be true to myself, now that I turn to my inner wisdom for help. I am on a clear path to the destiny that remains to be revealed as I bring my joy, love and hope to each day.”
– Debbie P, Designer,Petaluma, CA
“Nicola offers insight, warmth and focus with her beautiful sessions. I highly recommend working with Nicola if you are feeling stuck, over or under-whelmed by life. She will help you get back on track, feel joy and connect to your own wisdom and power.”
—Catriona M.G. California
“Nicola’s soft, gentle way of guiding me through the misty fog of fear was a welcome resource as I embarked on a new path for my life. She is an excellent guide, teacher and coach. I highly recommend her services to anyone who is truly ready to transcend their current situation and create a new one.”
– Deborah P, Petaluma, CA
Nicola Walker is an Anything is Possible mindset coach, with over 25 years of combined life coaching and hypnotherapy experience. She supports creators and seekers to follow their inner guidance to achieve their deepest desires. Her clients learn how to deepen clarity and activate an Anything is Possible mindset to live their dream, while slowing down to enjoy a quality of life that feeds their soul.
Nicola is the author of the forthcoming book, Joy in the Middle of the Mess: An Evolutionary Adventure on the Quest for Success. She is also trained as a WomanSpeak circle leader. One of her greatest joys is to walk and hike in the hills and along the beautiful California beaches, near her home in the San Francisco Bay Area.